36 Important Autism Statistics to Be Aware of in 2024

written by / January 11, 2022

In simple terms, autism is a neurological condition that impedes the rate at which a person learns and affects the way they communicate and interact with other people. 

Autism statistics show that this is a major health concern experienced by many all around the world. The neurological condition is a disorder that is most commonly found in children and sometimes continues to affect them as they grow. As established by the CDC, it’s present in about 1 in 59 children. 

Important Autism Statistics for 2024

  • The rate of ASD in the US grew by an estimated 14% in just 2 years.
  • ASD generally appears before children hit 3 years.
  • 64% of kids with autism have received therapy within the last 12 months. 
  • 1% of the adult population of the United Kingdom has ASD, according to autism statistics in the UK
  •  Around 1% of the world’s population has autism.
  • Research has shown that genetics are a major cause of ASD.
  • Prematurely born babies or those born with a low birth weight have a higher risk of having autism spectrum disorder.
  • Adults who have a child with autism have a 2%–18% chance of having another child with the disorder.
  • 4% of children with ASD lost their diagnosis by age 8.
  • On average, autism costs families about $60,000 annually. 

General Autism Facts

Autism Statistics - Featured

In this section, we’ll look at general facts and stats around autism. 

1. 2.5% of parents surveyed reported that they have a child with autism.


In 2019, a survey was carried out that included over 43,000 parents of children aged 3 to 17 concerning their children’s overall health, while also studying any autistic behavior. It included questions on whether or not their child had ASD at any point and if they still have it—to which 2.5% answered in the affirmative.

2. 1 in 59 children has autism.


How common is autism? According to the results of a study made by the CDC, about 1 in 59 children have the disorder. 

3. The rate of ASD in the US grew by an estimated 14% in just 2 years.

(Autism Science Foundation, Healthline)

In the United States, the rate at which Autism has affected individuals increased by 14% between 2016 and 2018. In the past, there were notably fewer diagnoses of the disorder. But over time, diagnoses of autism have become more prevalent, making it a common health disorder today. 

Additionally, a study conducted by the CDC shows that autism had a 16% increase in its total prevalence from 2012 to 2014. Why is autism increasing? For several years, many people have believed that the rate of ASD’s prevalence has been alarmingly on the rise. However, the truth is that the diagnosis and monitoring of the disorder have simply become more accurate. In short, the number of people with ASD has long been inaccurately measured and is now being identified correctly.

4. There is no cure for ASD.


Although the autism statistics show that researchers are coming closer and closer to discovering a cure, it remains that a cure hasn’t yet been found for ASD. Nevertheless, many forms of proper treatment are now being utilized to help manage the disorder.

5. ASD generally appears before children hit 3 years.


Autism affects people of all age groups. However, it’s most commonly diagnosed in children before they reach the age of three. 

6. ASD has reportedly been found in all races, ethnicities, and socioeconomic groups.


In the case of studying autism by race, statistics have proven that it can happen to anyone. People from all ethnicities, regions, nationalities, and religions are affected by the disorder. This means children in all countries across the entire world are prone to the medical condition.

7. 64% of kids with autism have received therapy within the last 12 months. 


According to top medical research carried out on children with autism, it has been shown that about 64% of these children received some type of behavioral therapy in the last 12 months.

Autism Statistics Worldwide

Autism Statistics - Worldwide

Here, we’ll be focusing on statistics and facts from throughout the world. 

8. Europe, North America, and Asia were reported to have an average prevalence rate between 1% and 2%.


This also shows how common it is all around the globe, as well as how effective many countries in the world have now become at recognizing the disorder. 

9. Hong Kong has an autism rate of about 1 in 27 people.

(World Population Review)

These days, it can be very difficult to find countries with no autism. There are people struggling with this disorder across the globe. However, some places have a larger population of autism patients than most. Research shows that Hong Kong has about 1 in 27 people with the disorder.

10. 1% of the adult population of the United Kingdom has ASD.


The United Kingdom is no exception when it comes to the many countries affected by ASD. 

11. As for how many cases of autism are diagnosed each year, there are 62 for every 10,000 people globally. 


The countries that account for this figure include Hong Kong, South Korea, Japan, the United States, Ireland, Switzerland, Canada, and many others. This indicates a global rate of 0.62%. 

12. Around 1% of the world’s population has autism.


Diagnosis does not necessarily correlate with the actual number of cases. The autism statistics worldwide have revealed that the disorder has been experienced by or is being experienced by around 1% of the total world’s population. Autism is a very common health disorder in all parts of the world.

Autism Rates in the US

In this section, we’ll focus on statistics and facts on autism from the United States. 

13. Over 3.5 million people in the US have ASD.


How many people have autism in the US? A whopping 3.5 million people are affected by autism. Medical controls have helped improve symptoms and treat people, but these numbers continue to grow. The prevalence of autism has also led to improved public autism awareness, which can, in turn, lead to faster, more accurate diagnoses.

14.  Following the autism rates by year, autism’s prevalence in children in the US increased by 119.4% from 2000 to 2010.


Reports have been laid out concerning how autism’s growing rates affect the general public. A report made by the CDC signified that the disorder had more than doubled in prevalence across the US in just ten years.

15. New Jersey has the highest rate of autism in the US.


When comparing autism rates by state, a 2018 study showed that New Jersey rated the highest. Alabama was found to have the lowest autism rate. 

16. The cost of treating Americans with autism will reach $461 billion by the year 2025.

(Autism Speaks)

The cost of treating Americans with autism was $268 billion back in 2015. Today, estimates show this cost will rise to $461 billion just ten years later. 

Autism Risk Factors

Autism Statistics - Risk Factors

What are the risk factors for autism? In the following section, we’ll be exploring this subject. 

17. Is autism hereditary? Research has shown that genetics are a major cause of ASD.

(Autism Speaks) 

However, there are many causes of autism. Some of these include metabolic imbalances or even exposure to heavy metals and environmental toxins. However, we now know that a major cause of the disorder is genetics.

18. Boys are four times more likely to have ASD than girls. 


From the many statistics laid out concerning the disorder, several conclusions have been reached regarding how many people are affected by it. The most recognized comes from the CDC, showing that every 1 in 59 persons has ASD to some degree. However, ASD rates are clearly higher in boys when we look at the data from a gender-based perspective. And autism in girls is significantly less common. It’s been determined that 1 in 38 boys and 1 in 152 girls have experienced or still experience autism spectrum disorder.

19. Prematurely born babies or those born with a low birth weight have a higher risk of having autism spectrum disorder.


For children born at 33 weeks or earlier, the risk of developing autism was double. While autism is generally more prevalent in boys, the risk was greater for girls in these cases.

20. Verified autism spectrum disorder statistics from the CDC show that a child whose biological parents are older is more likely to have ASD.


The studies compared mothers aged 35 or older and fathers aged 40 or older to parents aged 20–29. They found that children of older parents have a higher risk of experiencing severe autism. According to the same set of autism facts and statistics, the first child born of these parents is three times as likely to have autism as any younger siblings.

21. Adults who have a child with autism have a 2%–18% chance of having another child with the disorder.


Having a child with autism does not necessarily mean that you will have another child with it. However, from research carried out by the CDC, the autism rates are higher among children in families that already have an autistic child.

22. In identical twins, if one has autism, there’s a 60%–96% chance the other will, too.


While the chances are high for both maternal twins to have ASD if one does, the chances are slightly lower in the case of fraternal twins (if one has it, the other has a 24% likelihood). In the case of some common autism facts and myths, it was often believed that both children would always be affected. But now we know that isn’t the case.

23. ASD is more commonly found in children than cancer is.


Most people are aware of the dangers of childhood cancer. According to top reports, cancer can develop in 1 in 285 children before they hit age 20. However, autism spectrum disorder’s statistics show that autism can develop in as few as 1 in 27 children, making it a highly common developmental disorder. Autism is more often found in kids than cancer, AIDs, and diabetes combined.

Living with Autism

What is it like living with autism? We take a look at this in the following section. 

24. Job activities have been known to reduce autism symptoms.

(Autism Speaks)

From popular research, employment activities that encourage independence help to reduce autism’s symptoms. Other autism employment statistics show that a job helps improve daily living skills.

25. Depression is a common side effect of ASD.

(Autism Speaks)

Depression is very common and can be found as a side effect of most health disorders, autism included. About 7% of children and 26% of adults diagnosed with autism suffer from depression, according to some of the top facts about autism spectrum disorder.

26. Around 10% of children with ASD are also diagnosed with having another genetic or neurological disorder.


According to the CDC, of the children with ASD, over 10% have also been diagnosed with another genetic or neurological disorder.

27. The medical expenditures for children with ASD are greater than those of children without it.


According to today’s ASD statistics, the total medical costs paid by people with ASD are usually between $4,110 and $6,200 per year.

28. The rate of seizures in those with autism is 10 times higher than it is in those who don’t have it.


Seizures are dangerous health conditions that can be a side effect of autism. Due to the prevalence of autism spectrum disorder, medical studies have carefully evaluated the rate of seizures in those with autism, finding it 10 times greater than in the general population.

29. About half the 25-year-olds with ASD have never held a paying job.

(Autism Speaks)

There’s a great number of people who have and still experience autism spectrum disorder, with the symptoms impacting them later in life. In those cases, it can be hard to find work, despite the possible benefits of finding a job. 

30. According to a study into autism and marriage, the statistics show that 9% of adults affected by autism are married.

(Autism Awareness Centre) 

About 9% of adults affected by this health disorder are married. Also, around 32% of the adults affected by autism have a partner.

31. 4% of children with ASD lost their diagnosis by age 8.


There are several conclusions regarding the reason behind this. Reports suggest that this could be from an improved prognosis. That being said, another report based on autism misdiagnosis statistics suggests that this was due to inaccurately diagnosing the patient’s condition in the first place.

32. Early treatment of autism can help improve outcomes.


Medical reports made on autism patients who had early autism treatment always showed better results than parents who acted late. Many autism diagnosis statistics have revealed that the earlier the diagnosis and the sooner ASD is treated, the better the outcomes are among the children affected by it.

The Cost of Autism

What are the direct and indirect costs associated with autism? 

33. On average, autism costs families about $60,000 annually. 

(Autism Speaks)

Preparing for this kind of budget may prove impossible for some families. Despite the phenomenon becoming more common as the diagnosis of autism is on the rise, the statistics put forth today by large medical bodies show that the disorder can cost a family about $60,000 every year.

34. The cost of having to educate a child with autism costs an extra $8,600 each year. 


After an autism diagnosis, a child might begin to experience impaired learning techniques, meaning more money will be needed to complete their education.

35. About 50,000 individuals with autism will leave high school every year in the US.


In the US, reports have it that up to 50,000 individuals dealing with autism leave high school every year. These kinds of facts about autism can be the result of several things, but mostly, these students struggle with slower learning processes. Due to their affected learning, dropping out of high school may become an option for them to avoid extra costs.

36. The cost of lifelong care for those who have autism can be reduced by 66% with an early diagnosis.


Autism is a tough medical disorder to deal with. For this reason, getting an early diagnosis is a great way to reduce medical expenditures and health costs. In fact, most autism facts and statistics confirm the overall benefits of an early diagnosis. And with an early diagnosis, the cost of lifelong care for people dealing with autism can be seriously reduced.


Autism has been around for a long time. You no longer have to be in the dark about the disorder. Whether you suffer from it or not, it helps to have an idea of its risk factors, cost, and impact on people’s lives. Knowing more about autism can help ease the anxiety related to raising a child with autism or having a loved one with autism. 

Understanding its various effects and forms of treatment will be the greatest way to manage it. For example, understanding the relationship between autism and sleep can help you deal with it better. The above worldwide autism statistics up to 2022 are key in helping you get a better grasp of this health disorder.


How many people have autism in the world?

Statistically, it is believed that around one in every 160 children suffers from autism throughout the world. This means that there are many children born with autism and that it’s prevalent throughout the globe. Autism may be more common than believed in previous years. 

(World Health Organization)

What percent of the population has autism?

Around 2.21% of adults in the United States live with autism. The prevalence of autism differs according to the region in the country. Based on autism statistics by state, California, Florida, Texas, and New York are the states with the highest number of autistic adults. 

(Autism Speaks)

What country has the highest rate of autism?

Hong Kong has the highest prevalence of children with autism in the world. 372 children out of 10,000 children in Hong Kong live with autism. South Korea comes second with 263 out of 10,000 and the United States comes third with 222 out of 10,000. Autism statistics place these three countries among the areas with the highest rate of autism. 

